Kirra Community Plan & Map

The Kirra plan is a two-part plan. Initially a short transitional plan creating the basic accommodation and services to a long-term permanent local and national community focused plan.

Phase 2, the long term plan has now commenced. See the Power and Water plan together with biodigester gas collection infrastructure with road surfacing to start the next phase of the project.

Short Transitional Plan

The essential services and accommodation requirement was immediate from day-one. However, this was just the first step. All the essential services were established in the first 14-days. The water needs were met gradually over the first 90-days. All essential services had been completed as initial projects within the first 100-days.

KIRRAutility (Ku) have completed the initial solar farm installation. The solar farm is producing ample energy for the provision of lighting, refrigeration, computing and other necessities that we as modern humans have come to take for granted. The production is around 8 kWh  - 10 kWh per day and there is existing storage for 19.44 kWh (405 Ah at 48 v) with another 13.44 kWh (280 Ah at 48 v) coming on-line before the end of summer, for a total of 32.88 kWh of storage. This cumulative storage is to allow the community to continue operations during extended inclement weather events or a string of poor solar production days.

The initial 9,600-litre water storage and rainwater capture systems are in place and functioning. As at the 2nd of December 2022, all the tanks are full to overflowing after the recent 35.4 mm of rain that poured down over a 30-hour period. This is great as it provides a degree of water security as summer approaches. The captured water is broken into 2 categories, fresh and recycled. There are 7,600 litres of fresh and 2,000 litres of recycled water storage which is used on the gardens and for the toilet.

By the end of February 2023, this had been expended by another 10,000 litres. Bringing the total water storage capacity for fresh harvested rainwater to 17,000 litres.

By the end of February 2024, the entire community space had its road accesses defined and created, together with the community spaces, gardens and special features like lake, food forest, and animal areas marked out. All the plots had been defined and marked out and the majority of roads had been built.

During this process we were fortunate to discover a seasonal creek on the property which leads directly to the lake through plot #9. We kept this feature and highlighted it as a boundary to the community space, and built bridges to span the creek. Very exciting. :-)  Check it out!

Long-Term Community Plan

The Long-Term community plan is the creation of two hamlets one to the north, and one to the south of the main farm area which is shaped like a "Boomerang" and faces due East, at the apex of the farm is a centralised community space called the "Town Centre". The Town Centre will house the main community facilities such as toilets, bathing and laundry together with the KIRRAmaker (Km) space complex encompassing KIRRAkitchen (Kk) and other community spaces all under one 324 square metre enclosed roofed area. This Town Centre complex will demonstrate passive solar design and the various natural building techniques, such as rammed earth, earth bag, log and timber (post and beam), straw bale and other techniques.

The North and South hamlets are comprised up to 18 quarter acre living blocks (for a total of four acres) surround 2 three-quarter acre of vegetable, herb and other apothecary gardens (for a total of one and a half acres), and to the left of the living spaces is a 2-acre lake, the animal area and a 2-acre food forest and orchard. The food forest is significant for two reasons, the first is the food it provides, but it also provides a place for a community project called "The Garden of Memories". Community members will be able to celebrate the lives of people, both living and deceased, that have shaped their lives, in either positively and negatively ways to enable them to remember and deal with those traumas or issues or lost loves, family, friends or life in general. Each food forest tree is memorialized with a plaque and given the name of the person to remember.

Some of the living blocks are reserved for community visitors and guests. These are highlighted in the plan as green or blue. The yellow blocks are for full-time community members.

It is the responsibility of KIRRAretail (Kr) to manage and maintain the "rental" accommodations.

This sketch demonstrates the community layout and facilities within the community and their locations relative to each other. This image replaced the planned map, with the actual map of the community as it is today.

Kirra Community Map Key

Kirra Common

Existing Short Term Location while the community is established. This will be the home of the Farm Gate and General Store and parking lot for Kirra Guests and Visitors.


Plots #1 - #6, #12, #14 & #15 are Community Member Citizen Plots.

Prov. Plots #16, #17 and #18 are provisional, and while they are mapped out, will not be built unless required.

Plots #7 - #9 are camping and Caravan Plots. Each plot has a 7m X 7m covered deck for caravan or tent use (Noted with the larger pink square on each plot). KIRRAretail has 7m bell tents that can be erected on these covered decks if needed. There are shared bathroom amenities between each block (Noted with the small red square) These plots may have a small one roomed dwelling located in the top left corner of each block also.

Plot #10 will be the Shipping Container bunker accommodation.

Plot #11 will be the Tree House accommodation.

Plot #13 will be the Hermitage Accommodation and Plot #13A will be a simple camping tent site. These two lake side plots share an amenities block.

Kirra Creek

We discovered a seasonal creek that runs along the southern side of the Kirra Civic Centre space, it has been named, Kirra Creek. Each of the small dark purple areas identifies a bridge over the creek the small middle bridge is a foot bridge, the other two are vehicle access bridges.

Kirra Civic Centre

The Civic Centre is the heart of the community, with both of the North and South Gardens. At the centre of this space will be the swimming pool and the 7m reciprocal roof community gazebos. The Shaman medicine wheel is located to the east of the main community building. The entire community is centered on the East-West axis of the property.

The Kirra road network is now 1,380m in length.

Community Plots (Yellow)

Full-Time members assigned a Community Block are free to do what they wish on these blocks. They can grow their own produce. Conduct their own experiments, live, and work as they wish. The community will provide housing and essential services to the residents as part of the member's transition to community living. There are 10 blocks available for community members. Ideally a community member will be a couple or small family, but single people are also encouraged to join the community and participate. Accommodation is provided in a number of "Earth-Build and Natural" techniques which includes earth-bag, rammed earth, mud-brick and log cabins. These are low-cost accommodations that are built for between $10,000 and about $56,000 each, depending on the size and construction method used. They are insulated to preserve energy and built to maximise solar capture during winter and shade during summer. The new community member can select where they want their new home to be built on their block. Members will be able to furnish their new home as they wish.

Short-Term Visitor Plots (Blue)

These are "Glamping" style fully-serviced accommodations. They will offer picturesque views of the lake and the food forest. These can be used by community members for visitor accommodations during retreats or other educational projects that require accommodation. These are self-contained accommodations that are serviced by the community-members from the community.

Any community member can book one of these for visitors, albeit family, friends or a project they are running. The build, service, maintenance and utility costs of each accommodation is amortized over a period and converted to a nightly rate. This ensures that the community-members are not paying for these accommodations, they are paid for by each user, at a community spirited rate.

This facility is also used by KIRRAretail (Kr) to operate a Hip Camp style accommodation. Blocks #7, #8, and #9 will have cleared, powered, and water provisioned camping locations and caravan sites to accommodate visitors to the farm with their own portable accommodations. These facilities can also be used by community members during farm based events, like retreats etc. The community has a number of "Glamping" tents which can also be configured to service the needs of visitors for retreats and other events.

Again, these dwellings will be established using a number of natural building techniques. While at least one will be a little more quirky and demonstrate artistic design and space age mathematics and physics in action, our geodesic dome home. (Pictured right)

Lot #13 is a special plot that has been designated as the "Hermitage". A simple peaceful place on the lake, away from the greater community. A simple dwelling in the style of a Monk's Hermitage. With nothing more than 4 walls and a small bathroom wet area. This dwelling is freely available to any person where their faith determines a minimalist approach to life and living.

Civic Centre & Community Gardens

At the heart of the community space between the North and South Hamlets is the Civic Center. Discover what the Civic centre offers to the community. There are two 7m Gazebos either side of the 4 metre swimming pool. Attached to the Civic Centre is the large community amenities block with washing machines, bathing and toilets. And at the front of the civic centre is the alfresco dining area deck attached to the community kitchen.

Friends of Kirra

Learn how you can become a friend of Kirra while remembering somebody you know or knew. All while help us to make this world a better place.

Kirra Creek

Discover the wonder of Kirra Creek, our own natural creek on the Tara property.