Project 001-004 Solar punk

Project Name: Solar punk

Project Details

Reference Sponsoring Entity Commenced Status Budget

22-23 23-24         24-25     25-26

001-004 KIRRAutility (Ku) 18-08-2022 In-Progress   $14,500       $12,000      Unallocated  Unallocated

Project Overview

As an off-grid community it is essential that we create our own electrical energy. The Kirra Solar punk objective is a collective of related solar and other energy-based projects that culminate to achieve the "Aim" of creating and sustaining electricity for the Kirra community.

Solar energy capture, and storage is only one of the methods that are used to create or convert energy from different forms, essentially to electricity. However, it is considered easiest and most readily available by using solar panels and storing this energy in batteries, so this was our starting point, but by no means our end-point.

An ongoing evaluation of the farm's energy needs is performed on an almost daily basis, as the start-up system was deliberately kept to a manageable and portable size as part of the farm setup and establishment. To achieve this requirement, the decision was made to purchase a small set of flexible, light weight panels that could be quickly deployed and refined, whilst a more permanent solution was defined. This is seen in the same budget allocation for the first two years. This essentially allows the farm to double (at least) its capacity to generate and store electricity for the community. This budget allocation is considered Capital Expenditure for the community. The recorded generation and consumption models over the first 12 months, will allow determination as to how the second part of the budget should be allocated; to production or storage.

The Solar Punk theme comes from "The "solar" represents solar energy as a renewable energy source and an optimistic vision of the future that rejects climate doomerism, while the "punk" refers to the counter-cultural, post-capitalist, and decolonial enthusiasm for creating such a future. As a science fiction literary sub genre and art movement, solar punk works address how the future might look if humanity succeeded in solving major contemporary challenges with an emphasis on sustainability, human impact on the environment, and addressing climate change and pollution. Especially as a sub genre, it is aligned with cyberpunk derivatives, and may borrow elements from utopian and fantasy genres. Solar punk can risk being green washed through aesthetics that give the appearance of sustainability without addressing the root causes of actual environmental issues." as stated by Wikipedia.

Staying true to this concept, we have tried to use the above topics to create that alternative and futuristic outcome.

Kirra Biotope

Solar Punk is a major part of our Biotope. These projects create the energy from the sun that is needed to run motors, preserve food, keep our community in a comfortable state, together with a wide range of other appliances. We produce more than 99.9% of our electricity from this renewable source. The other (less than) 0.1% comes from our generator, which consumes either fossil fuel or bio-gas to run, both of which we will produce from other waste streams. 

Related Projects in the Solar punk theme, include the following:


Refer to each project for more detail.


Refer to each project for more detail.


Refer to each project for more detail.